Word count
The price list shows the price for 1 word or phrase up to 10 letters. If there are more letters, then the time to develop the inscription greatly increases.
Lack of examples
There are an insane number of styles for writing your lettering. Having examples of the desired result greatly simplifies the lettering master. If you don’t have examples and you don’t even have an idea of what you want the finished work to look like, then I can do it. This is called concept development and may take longer.
Number of sketches
The base price includes 8 options for writing your inscription. If this is not enough for you and you want to see even more variety in your inscription, then this also affects the cost.
Number of edits
The complexity of edits varies, and the number of edits also varies. Minor corrections along the way are included in the price. The main thing is that you understand that “I found a new example” is not an edit, it is a new job that will have to start over.
The timing depends on many factors, including the speed of our communication. On average, development takes up to 14 days. If the work needs to be done urgently, it will require additional resources and time on my part and on your part.